
Feminine Academy


The EuroClass Academy training program intensive annual training program training program designed specifically for girls.

Aimed at young people from U8 and upthis program ensures continuous progression adapted to each athlete.

Experienced staff and high-tech equipment deliver unrivalled results.

The EuroClass game model is inspired by total soccer and fast-paced play, emphasizing collective technical mastery, as well as the player’s individual physical and cognitive development. One-touch play ensures rapid ball circulation and instant decision-making, producing complete players ready for the top level.

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  • Wanting to work harder than others
  • 100 weak-foot juggling tricks
  • 200 strong foot juggling
  • Pass physical and medical evaluations


The objectives of the EuroClass Academy are as follows:

  • Participate in world-class matches and tournaments

  • Developing elite players

    Develop athletes capable of reaching the highest levels of soccer, using professional methods similar to those used by European training centers and professional teams.

  • Promote technical and tactical progress

    Offer individual and group coaching to improve technical skills, tactical understanding of the game and decision-making on the pitch.

  • Creating a professional environment

    Set up modern infrastructures and state-of-the-art equipment to offer players the best possible training conditions.

  • Encouraging personal development

    Promote values such as discipline, teamwork, perseverance and self-confidence, essential to success in sport and in life.

  • Preparing players for competitions

    Enable young people to take part in high-level matches, tournaments and events, to get them used to the demands of competition.

  • Providing visibility opportunities

    Establish collaborations with clubs, coaches and agents to create opportunities for progression to professional leagues or sport-study programs.

  • Promoting a modern style of play

    Teach a style of play based on possession, creativity, intensity and fluidity, in line with international best practice.

  • Rigorous monitoring of players

    Set up regular evaluations to monitor players’ progress and adjust training plans according to their individual needs.

    In short, the EuroClass Academy aims to become a real springboard for young players wishing to realize their dreams in the world of soccer, while cultivating strong human values. ⚽️

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Les frais inclus

  • Assurance pour le joueur
  • Program Registration
  • Boxing lessons
  • Gym
  • Administration et gestion du bureau
  • Location des bureaux
  • Honoraire annuel des éducateurs
  • Site web et marketing
  • Frais pour les arbitres
  • Développement des éducateurs et des arbitres
  • Coût de location des terrains
  • Équipement (cônes, filets, piquet de coin, ballons de match, dossards, mini-but, etc.)
  • Tournament fees (3 included)
  • Ensemble d’entraînement du club (Gilet, Shorts & Bas)

Excluded costs

  • Permis de voyage
  • Administrative costs related to the group.
  • Les frais de voyage pour les entraîneurs
  • Équipement (souliers & protège-tibias)
  • Team activities and other miscellaneous activities presented to the academy for approval.


There are two recruitment methods for joining theEuroClass Academy:

1. Identification sessions

These are detection sessions organized by EuroClass and open to all players (including foreign players of legal age). These sessions enable the technical staff to identify players with the desired profile to join the ranks of the Academy. Detection takes place in several rounds. Registrations can only be made via the Academy’s website (registration fees to be paid online).

2. Screening cells

These cells are made up of coaches and scouts throughout the province.EuroClass ‘ network of contacts enables us to be on the lookout for players playing in all regions and competitions of Quebec. Once a player has been scouted, he or she is invited to attend a specific session or evaluation camp.



This program includes 2 45-minute football-related activities per week, where fun is always the order of the day!
  • Program based on fun and enjoyment.
  • Develop basic basic motor skills and take ownership of the ball.
  • Each child has a ball.
  • Multi-sport games are recommended to develop the reflex of reading the game.


This program includes 3 soccer related activities per week

  • Program based on fun and enjoyment.
  • Develop basic basic motor skills and take ownership of the ball.
  • Each child has a ball.
  • Multi-sport games are recommended to develop the reflex of reading the game.


This program includes 3 football-related activities per week.
  • Developing the technical aspect is the priority.
  • Must be able to juggle, pass, control with both feet and have acquired the fundamentals of the fundamentals of the head game.
  • To have acquired the principles of space occupation with or without ball.
  • Multi-sport games are recommended to develop the reflex of reading the game.
  • Friendly matches (no pressure for the player’s development and guaranteed playing time)


By joining the elite EuroClass Academy, you’ll have the chance to put your skills to good use by playing matches against top international teams, whether in Canada, the USA, South America or even Europe.
  • Three sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes per week and two other one-hour sessions (strength and conditioning, stretching, yoga, mental preparation, etc.)
  • Périodisation annuelle (40 semaines)
  • Entraînement hors saison
  • Friendly matches (no pressure for the player’s development and guaranteed playing time)
  • Physiotherapist at all games and training
  • Suivi complet du joueur
  • Tracking system for every practice and game
  • Captation et diffusion des matchs et certaines pratiques
  • Rétroaction hebdomadaire
  • Ratio: 1 to 16


In this group the players will be introduced to the life of a professional footballer. Le joueur s’est habitué à notre culture. The training becomes more specific and the execution is done at a elite level.

  • Three sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes per week and two hour sessions (strength and conditioning, stretching, yoga, mental preparation, etc.)
  • Périodisation annuelle (40 semaines)
  • Entraînement hors saison
  • Physiotherapist at all games and practices (Physiotherapist available at all times to treat your injuries or soreness. Whether it’s for a pre-practice or game tapping, or a post-game massage, our specialist will be available to help you in your progression).
  • Suivi complet du joueur
  • Tracking system for every practice and game
  • Weekly feedback (How do you know if you played a good game or not? On a whim? We know because of the technology used in all games and practices. Plus, every week you’ll meet with us to discuss your week and do a follow-up).
  • Captation et diffusion des matchs et certaines pratiques